Friday, July 17, 2009

Week Update

This has been a LONG week! Long and hard! But it's nearing it's end, and Sunday is my rest day, so I think I'll survive it!

I have tried my absolute hardest to be as positive as possible at all times through this whole Ironman experience for 2009. For a couple of reasons: first, I think my 2007 Ironman experience wasn't necessarily one of my better memories, not that it was negative in any way, just that I was SO stressed out about SO many things. It was hard for me to take in the moments and enjoy it, as well I don't think I ever gave myself credit for a rare (and frankly, amazing) accomplishment that I done. I was too busy worrying about if I could actually even do it. Then, when I proved that I could actually do it, perhaps the moment was over. Secondly, I never planned on doing this Ironman, my motivation for this Ironman is so completely different than 2007. Uncle Bruce would have only wanted this to be a fun event for me and everyone else involved, and so I've made that a top priority. Lastly, I think Ironman (any endurance event really) is half physical race, and half mental race. I failed miserabley at the mental race in 2007, and I am NOT going to let that happen this year. All this positive thinking has proved to be beneficial, and I can absolutely see it in my physical race!

Overall, I think I've done really well. I know I've said it before, but I feel great, training is going so well, and I am having so much fun doing it! However.... This week has proven to be a big challenge for me and I'm feeling like my "positive thinking tank" is somewhat drained.

This was a pretty heavy duty week of training, and my 2nd heavy week in a row, so just that much harder than last week! I completed all my scheduled workouts, and I didn't have any specific events or situations that were diffucult. I just seemed to have a hard time finding my motivation, and then I felt guilty for not enjoying myself. Maybe I'm just tired (probably) or hungry (obviously...cause I always am), or maybe it's because I worked 7 days in a row last week (definately did NOT like that!).

So I'm going to dig deep, VERY deep, and pull out all the positives I can to get me out of this rut:

I biked a full 180 km, and I did it faster than I did the bike portion of IMC 07. The route I did was very hilly, so it was comparable, and I felt amazing (particularly in the digestive area). I stopped for only 1 bathroom break, at which point I bought a KitKat bar (140 km into the ride), and I realized that was the first time that I can remember (in many years) actually buying and eating an entire chocolate bar. It tasted so good I wanted another one (however I practiced a wee bit of discipline and opted for a nasty tasting Raspberry Gu). I also think that I know exactly what I will be adding into my "special needs bag" for the race as a little treat!

I swam a full 3800m in a 25 m pool and I did it faster than the swim portion of IMC 07. This is great because I always swim much faster in open water then in the pool doing lengths, so obviously my swim is right on track! My mom joined me on that swim and her "snack sack" was well stocked with my favorites, so I was happy (as the state of my stomach dictates my mood - these days anyways).

I got to celebrate my mom's birthday last Wednesday, it was a beautiful day, and we had so much fun having lunch in the mountains followed by a great family dinner. I hope she felt special, because she deserved it!

I bought myself an "Ironman outfit". I don't want to spoil the surprise (for my fan club, of course), but let's just say... there's a lot of pink. Hot pink.

I cracked out a brand new pair of running shoes from my stash (I like to buy in bulk and keep them hidden away in my closet). I opted for the pink pair. Hot pink.

So, here is my attempt to stay positive even though I am exhausted and the thought of squeezing my buns into one more pair of padded spandex shorts makes me want to cry.

Just get me through till Sunday (rest day!), then I'll be back on track and ready to go at it again...

I know this isn't really related... But blogs are no fun without pictures, so I had to add something...

These are the up-and-coming Ironman's of the future:


  1. a) hang in there dude. All the training will pay off. You look amazing and it will all be worth it on IDay.
    b) I totally know what you're going through. It's like when Julie got fired from the Gap.
    c) my kids are so cute!

  2. When you need to dig deep to feel betterJ, just think about UB and how much fun he had training with you and how much he loved you... and how proud he was of you. That feeling should be enough to make you spread your wings and fly with joy! It helps me. AR

  3. Hi Jac -
    Your blog just gets better & better and you are so amazing and inspiring. I am sending you lots of cheer from Victoria!
    BTW - obviously am excited for the Ironman pics of you in hot pink. I am jealous that you can find hot pink runners. Mine all look so manly that whenever I look down at my feet while running I think "eww - ugly man feet". xx Erin
