Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some of the Crew!

Like I mentioned previously, it takes a lot of support for me to do this whole Ironman business, so I'd like to introduce some of, but certainly not limited to, my support.

First is Auntie Rosie. Equally as special to me as Uncle Bruce, Rosie is the best aunt in the whole world (2nd to me of course). She is extremely supportive of everything I've ever done, which I'm sure everyone can agree with, makes such a huge difference! I'm hoping that Auntie Rosie and I can cross the finish line together on race day, because this endeavor is meant just as much in her honor as it is for Uncle Bruce's.

Next, my coach, Carolyn, who I am thrilled to be training with again! Carolyn was my coach for 2006 and 2007, and she has taught me so many things! I know that Carolyn limits the amount of triathlete's that she coaches in a year, so I am eternally grateful that she agreed to take me on so late in the season! Even though we don't live in the same city, I've found her program works very well for me, and we communicate almost daily by email. I look forward to seeing her in July and August!

I have my very own Bike Mechanic! My dad makes up a fairly crucial part of my training because he takes care of my bike for me and all of the little things that need to be done. He also texts me faithfully while I'm doing my long rides, just to make sure I'm still alive. 2 years ago, we sent my dad to a bike mechanics course, I may have had some hidden motives in that gift, but I am so grateful for how much he helps me out. For some reason, I just can't seem to pump my bike tires up much above 100 psi, and I prefer to ride at 110 psi. So my dad pumps my tires, checks things out, oils the chain, and all the other stuff that I don't even know about that needs to be done. Equally as important, he provides the funds for my mom to have a fully loaded fridge, which I often partake in. On that note, I am never giving my house key back! My dad is quite a gifted cyclist himself, unfortunately, we don't often ride together because he just can't seem to keep up with me (...or perhaps it's the other way around).

Although my work/school schedule doesn't really allow me the luxury of joining a triathlon group or club of any kind, I do have a great running partner. Zoe and I run together once a week at 6am and it is certainly a highlight! Our run is about 13 kms, and we have an ongoing goal to do it in less than an hour. We've been extremely close, but there are a few lights that seem to work against us on the days when we are feeling extra good. Zoe and I met in Africa more than 8 years ago, and were instantly connected because of our running! We've travelled through many foreign countries together, with our running shoes in tow, and 2 years ago, an amazing change of life plans brought Zoe and her husband, Arin, to Calgary (originally from Toronto area). Even though it may not be forever that we are neighbors, I will treasure every day that we have living so close. Zoe and I ran the Seattle marathon together in 2007.

Last, but certainly not least is, the captain for the cheer squad! My sister, takes her job extremely seriously, and she makes it very clear that she is the captain. Alison has been to almost all of my races (at least, all of the important ones), and through the years, there has definately been quite a few. My first niece, Aria, attended her first marathon when she was only 6 weeks old! Poet, niece #2, will become an IronBaby this year when she is only 4 months old. The girls have been exposed very early, so I'm really holding out for a future marathoner (although genetics would probably suggest more of a musical inclination). Alison plans her cheering routes, routines and attire very seriously and is fairly die-hard about it. Not only does she, and her squad, make me feel like the most important person out on the race course, she also spends endless hours, rain or shine, cheering for each and every person in between. If you are attending or racing in Ironman this year... you can be sure that you will see her, with pompoms. Also to be noted, much like my mom, Alison's fridge is always well stocked (even with a new baby!), this makes me very happy. I would gladly add that spare key to my key ring as well.

So here are a few people that make my life so much more enjoyable. There are certainly a number of other people, but I won't bore you will every other contact that I have out there. My family really is so great, all of them. This will be the fourth summer in a row where their summer vacations have been diverted to more race appropriate locations. Craig is a great husband, he even rubs my feet (only on rare occasions), and he makes everything I do possible. They call me crazy, but secretly I know they love it just as much as I do.


  1. what? You don't have a key to our place? We'll have to fix that. In case anyone is interested, cheer squad practices are every Saturday morning from 6-8am. Bring snacks.

  2. I am excited that you are doing this blog!! I just ran my first half marathon and plan to run a full one in September. YOu can be my inspiration.
