Sunday, June 21, 2009


I remember when:
  • I used to be able to touch my toes... prior to extremely tight hamstrings
  • I used to have clothes that fit my waist and quads proporitionately
  • I didn't need 9 + hours of sleep a night
  • I had a social life (well... maybe I never had that)
  • I didn't have permanent bags under my eyes
  • I didn't carry around an hourly alarm clock... my stomach
  • I had a wardrobe outside of Cool-Max, Dry-Weave, Wick-Away and Luon

I also remember when:

  • We used to bike on West Saanich Road
  • We picked up our brand new matching bikes from Fort Street Cycle
  • We cheered each other on as we both completed our first Ironman's
  • We BBQ-ed Pizza's on hot summer nights
  • We played Monopoly in the grass
  • We let AR cook us gourmet dinner's while we soaked our feet in Epson salt
  • We met at Thetis Lake at dawn and had the entire lake reserved just for us

I am well aware that wetsuits are the most unflattering attire in the history of mankind. I cannot believe I am putting these pictures on the World Wide Web! To top it off, I have a neon orange swim cap on. Yes, I can see that I look like a little boy with oddly oversized legs. I wore that swim cap at the pool the other day, clearly, I have no shame. However, these are some great memories, worth sharing with the whole world.


  1. i think your wetsuit is hot. i remember all the cooking lessons with AR and UB: risotto, salmon, tomato eat well because of me, because of them.

  2. It's true... I do eat well... too well (it may pose as a problem post-ironman training)

  3. you really know how to make me cry - now I have to go to an appointment with red swollen eyes - all in a day of an iron shirpa - ar

  4. Jac - I agree with Alison... your wetsuit is HOT. I thought of you over the weekend as I watched the prep and some of the racers at the Elk Lake 1/2 :-) Eat lots of calories for me!!

  5. i especiALLY like the orange cap
