This year I turn 28 (actually, this month - please send presents). This means that I can no longer be in my "mid-twenties", there is no more trying to classify myself in the "young adults" section... I will be an official "late-twenties" adult. Actually, I'm looking forward to it. Unlike many who dread their 30th, 40th, or 50th birthday - I can't wait to bring it on (not that I want to rush it). There are two reasons for this: 1. The older you are, the more judgemental you are allowed to be of the younger generation (I just can't wait!), but more significantly 2. An endurance runner peaks in their 30's. That's right - the best is yet to come for me. There might even be a sub 3 hour marathon in my future, we'll just have to wait and see what my age and wisdom will do to my hamstrings. I'm going to run a 100 km ultra marathon before I turn 30 - which means time is ticking.... (but of course - this year I must revel in my Boston glory, so it will have to be a 29 year old goal - I'm thinking the Elk Lake 100 km ultra in May 2012, then AR can carry me home and feed me one of her fabulous meals after!).
Also this year, I will finally, FINALLY, complete my post secondary studies. This has been a long time coming - and it is time! If I have to make another tuition payment, I will die, literally, I. Will. Die. Luckily, I finished off 2010 with my FINAL tuition payment, it felt SO good. I now await the $40,000 piece of paper that will be hanging on my wall in a few short months - the piece of paper telling me that I am competent of critical thinking (or whatever else they say you learn in school). This will also mean that as of April 30th, I will only have to work 40 hours a week (if that), to be a valuable, employed citizen of Calgary, what shall I do with all my extra time? I have decided to throw myself a graduation party, I'm not entirely sure what this will entail, but if anything, it will give me a moment of reflection on what the last 10 years of university have taught me. To name a few things: 1. I know what it's like to be broke. 2. I somehow became a coffee drinker (but still not sure if that was because of my Microbiology major, or because of the night shifts). 3. I know the entire periodic table by heart. 4. I am capable of interpreting a chest xray. 5. I may not have always been the best student in the class, but I never once failed a test, asked for an extension on an assignment or handed something in late. I met some great school friends, particularly because my theory of finding the least popular person to be your lab partner is genius. Some of the smartest people I've ever met. Only 55 more 12 hour shifts of my practicum and 34 more 8 hour shifts of my job (too soon to start the countdown?).
Lastly, this year is my Boston year. After running my first marathon in 2002, this has been 9 years in the making! In only 99 days (down to double digits!!) I will be shuttled out to Hopkington, where I will join the world's best marathon runner's for an all-to-brief show of beautiful legs. Except this year, I will be one of those marathon runners. I'll get to strut my stuff through Hopkington, Ashland, Framingham, Natick, Wellesley, Newton, Brookline, then finally.... cross the glorious finish line in Boston where I will recieve my laurel wreath - assuming I come in first place, but I'll settle for a finishers medal and jacket if I don't quite make it to first place. It's almost too much excitement for one day. I hope I can handle it.
I guess this only brings me up to the end of April, which means that 2011 will have to produce much more excitement for me, or else heaven-forbid I get bored! I'm sure there is a ton more greatness in store for my year. In fact, I am already thinking about the wonderful things I am going to plant in my vegetable garden and what flowers I will use in my pots this year. Also, the Annual Neary Family vacation will be in July this year, my usual summer highlight. Plus Christmas 2011 will be spent with a massive hoard of Neary women, when my cousins and Aunt come to the mountains for a family Christmas. That many Neary women in one place together is almost too much brillance for the very few men to deal with. I like the way this year is turning out already - 51 more weeks to enjoy!
As for my usual running report: I ran 88 km last week cause it was gorgeous outside and I only worked 3 of the 7 days, of course, I thoroughly enjoyed every spare moment I had. Now that I'm back to usual schedule and January busy-ness, I'll just accomplish what I can, when I can (which, or course, always seems to be enough to keep me sane). Today I ran 25km in 2:08, which is 5.15 min/km. I was actually shocked about this cause I was feeling particularly exhausted and I ran the entire 25km through gale force winds (literally), blowing snow, and -18 degrees with the wind chill. Sometimes I felt like I wasn't moving, but it turns out, afterall, I was actually moving. I've contemplated my Boston race plan quite a bit over the last few months, and I've come to the decision, for various reasons, that this race will be for the experience. I'm taking my camera with me, and enjoying all 26.2 miles, no matter how long it takes me. I will redeem myself with a sub 3:30 marathon on the next one.....
If we have to survive a prairie winter, then we might as well enjoy it!
Also note: You are looking at a picture of professional models: You can check out for the goods
HOW did I miss this post? I love it! It's going to be a great year. Particularly now that January is almost over!